
Today, I realized that i was dealing with two thoughts in mind. One was from flesh and other one was from SPIRIT. I chose to follow the one which is chosen by few, i.e. the thought by the Spirit. It made me feel like i am becoming more selfless. The same way i thought when I think of my favorite verse Galatians 2:20 . We all go through a time when we have two options in mind, one is to please men and other is to please God. I think that’s where manliness and maturity comes along-with boldness to walk on the less traveled road.

Moreover, i made mistakes when i let my guard down (Ephesians 6:10-20) and that’s when the devil tries to devour me. But my faith is unchangeable. I wont fall nor i will step back from whatever i decide in the journey to fulfill God’s will, because God’s got my back.

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